April 25, 2024

This is a two-part series. 

Part 1 has focused on a very quick history that allowed even non-WR players to comprehend what has happened to the Lancelot up to this point.

This part will discuss about how it is used in the Six-Pack League, which has become one of the most popular competitive modes in War Robots.

The Tale of the Tape

Everyone knows the roles of brawler, mid-range (MR), long-range (LR) and beacon capper – these can be described as “positions dictated by the kit,” mainly because they are determined by the range of the weapons as well as the type of bot being equipped.

This time around, for the purposes of this writeup, we will focus on “positions by function.”

The functional positions are as follows:

  • IGL = Short for “in-game leader”, he or she is the one who makes the calls for the team. Otherwise known as the “team captain.”
  • Anchor = Also known as “tank” or “bruiser” – this member is the centerpiece of the attack as this robot also leads the spearhead. They typically use a brawler with shields and/or
  • Striker = Refers to bots that stay close to the anchor for fire support. Orkan Docs, DB Griffin and Plasma Griffin are examples of this.
  • Support = Any robot, regardless of range, can be a support as long as they stay from quite a distance and focus on dishing out damage towards any enemy they see. Typically they go for their opposite numbers as well as softer targets.
  • Capper/Flanker = Typically uses fast bots, they cap beacons and find holes in the enemy formation to exploit. Though they are not intended to be in the front lines, they can carry strong armaments of their own (Orkan Rog and Taran Rog are examples of this).

Take note that these positions are fluid and can change as the game goes on – a good pilot will at least know how to play anchor and support (or any two of the above roles). Experienced players can serve as the IGL and play further any of the other roles!

How Lance Works

A typical six-pack team can have the following:

  • An IGL (who can serve as a capper or anchor in the first drop)
  • One more capper
  • One more anchor
  • One or two strikers
  • One or two supports

The above standard setup allows to cover most situations…and the Lance is always used as the anchor in the team’s strategy. Why is it used then?

  • High HP for a level 6 bot
  • Can be equipped with an Ancile, thus forcing teams to use certain setups
  • Has a physical shield = useful against Tarans and the like
  • Can dish out a good amount of firepower (2 medium slots) – there is a reason why it used to be the toip alpha bot back in the past
  • Versatile heavy slot: Indeed, some players forego the Ancile for a Thunder instead.
Credits to the owner. Look at the Lance Spearhead in action…

Taking it One Step Further

Some teams like to run the so-called “Lance Spearhead” especially on close-quarter maps with a heavily contested center beacon (Shenzhen, Moon and Dead City all come to mind), resulting in an early advantage for that said team.

The spearhead is composed of one to three Ancilots (or any variation of the Lancelot for that matter), supported by one RDB or MR setup (typically a Zeus Fury).

Most of the time, this forces the opposing team to relinquish the center beacon, from which they can have more tactical options (i.e. spread out to the flanks or push for enemy home beacon).

Usually, the Lancelot is used as the centerpiece of the attack…and since it can only be reliably killed by focused fire, tactics with the Lancelot in Six Pack League are generally effective.

But then again, teams may have a similar or cheesy (Orkan Doc, DB Griffin) opening, which can turn out to be a bloodbath. In this case, the team with the better thinking and initiative (assuming similar levels of skill and experience) will win that chaotic mashup.

Not my usual Six-Pack League hangar, obviously. Just for illustration purposes…

Personal Experiences

I saw many people using the Lance in this way during scrims (i.e. practice and official matches) – and there’s this even one time when I saw an endless stream of Ancilots, Thorkalots and Thoranlots!!!

Being at the receiving end of the big stick is quite unpleasant, but at least it has been a great lesson for me in terms of optimizing the way I personally play my matchup(s).

In Summary

News flash: In Six-Pack League, the Lancelot is still the number one frontline bruiser in the game. Only Death Buttons or an Orkan Doc could wreck the hell out of an Ancile-equipped robot…which says a lot about the endurance and power of the said setup.

In other words, it still hits like a boss!

PPS – Here are the links to the “non-fiction” War Robots articles on this site:

Hope you enjoy reading these stuff!

All images belong to their respective owners.

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