April 16, 2024
Here are some opinions on Robokrieg, after having 10 matches with it!!!

So, I met this mobile mech game called Robokrieg and what a joy it was to have a break from the vagaries of the War Robots Universe!

The Tale of the Tape

Robokrieg has three factions, namely Union, Neutra and Emzos. They are slightly separated by their appearance, as well as their different quirks that lead to different playstyles.

The highest-tier robot of the Union emphasizes speed, while Neutra’s top robot is all about rate of fire. Meanwhile, Emzos’ super robot focuses on tanking damage while shooting opponents off with “one-shot, one-kill” strikes. Of course, the lower-level robots of all the factions do slightly different things, so it’s up to the player to actually discover them and see which one fits the best!

The game is divided into a tier system and the matchmaking works on a “power rating” system, where you are matched according to the base power of your bot. Each permanent upgrade to weapons, speed, defense and sensors add to the base power of the robot.

As a result, the matchmaking is generally fair and square, although apparently the matchmaker does not take “add-ons” into account.

As for the maps, they have quick movement features (read: teleporter pads) as well as dynamic terrain that can actually damage you…

You can only use one robot per matchup, which means that you have to play off your teammates and attack conservatively.

The objective of the game is to destroy all robots or to capture the enemy base.

There are three awards in the game: most damage, most kills and capture bonuses (which add 4500 gold, as seen in the picture).

The Takes

Unfortunately, in comparison to its more well-known cousins in the form of War Robots and Battle of Titans, this game doesn’t have a lot of players.

In fact, the players in the game are only enough for a single matchmaking session; War Robots takes up to 30 seconds to find a full 12-man squad, while Battle of Titans takes up to 45.

It takes 1 minute for Robokrieg to find players…and sometimes, it has to pull off players from higher/lower tiers, which could make up for some interesting things…

Finally, the graphics are not that good. They look old!

Personal Experiences

The game is unplayable with mobile data as the game requires you to be connected to the server. However, once one solves that problem, it is a great and smooth game to play – I

All my matches were intuitive; considering that I have some previous experience from World of Tanks (yes, there’s bullet falloff and you need to advance your bullets), I was able to finish at the top of the boards for most of the game.

Yes, I needed to play off my teammates and have a quick glance at the minimap every now and then, assessing whether to advance or not.

Overall, it’s a good game to spend one’s time with!

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