May 3, 2024
mech battle for all

This is a huge, open map that exists in today's meta.

Want to find out the latest setups that work in today's Mech Battle metagame? Want to know how and why they work?
mech battle for all
This is a huge, open map that exists in today’s meta.

Mech Battle is for all. It is having a lot of new players nowadays, and inevitably, they get through the newbie phase and the introductory phase of the game. Once they all reach beyond level 20 – where the “real meta” is happening – they’ll be surprised to see a ton of realities!

If you want to see what are the most effective setups in today’s game and why they work, then read on! Hoping that it helps you in the long run.

How it Works

Mech Battle has eleven maps right now (Plant, Desert, Mountain, Tunnel, Dome, Highlands, Outpost, Recon, City, Harbor and Bridge). A ton of them are open maps and with the new hangar system (which means it is easy to punish mistakes from afar due to having less HP to work with).

In addition, the introduction of modes such as Team Deathmatch (that encourages mech preservation) and Blitzkrieg (the acquisition bar is slow and people don’t score for sitting on the objective, thus making it Team Deathmatch 2.0), ensures that sitting back or using abilities to approach without receiving a lot of damage and wiping out the enemy becomes the more attractive choice.

As such, the metagame right now is focused on the machine gun game (MG, MR500 and WB2000). Much of the “non-meta” is focused on countering these setups, as well as getting ways to win objectives without being sniped from afar.

There are three categories of setups in this game. If you want to be well-equipped to deal with today’s players, then go ahead and check them out!

Mech Battle for All: Platinum:

This category involves spending tons of platinum (or in the case of the Atlas, loads of luck from the Ultimate Trade Chests) to get these setups.

Atlas Sniper: 2 MGs and 3 MR500s, along with the high HP of the Atlas and its constant hitbox change thanks to its jumps ensures that this one is hard to kill, especially when placed at the back of the field. However, its biggest weakness is when it has to deal with cover and when it has to move around – Domination ensures that this happens quite a lot.

Armageddon Sniper: Search and destroy is the name of this setup. Higher HP than the Atlas and the Chronos, well-armed for the number of its slots, it’s faster than the Atlas and fast enough against most bots. Arguably the king of Domination games.

This is a godsend in a well-coordinated, fast-hitting and strong-capping team. Yes, the top clans are not happy when they see an Armageddon specialist on the field with a good squad.

Chronos Sniper: Only beaten by the above two bots in the sniping game (it only has 2 WB2000s, but then beware of underestimating this thing – it would get its engage distance 100% OF THE TIME), it is a faster beacon capper than both the Atlas and Armageddon. Oddly enough, it is weaker in Domination.

Chronos Imperator: Arguably very expensive (at 10,000 platinum just to have it at level 1), there’s a reason why it is ridiculously effective in close quarters against everything except the Killer Atlas (3 G5000s+2 Plasmas). It hits hard, it’s hard to hit back this thing when piloted by a decent player and it’s just beefy.

Chronos Decimator: Similar in utility to the Trident Shotgun below; that’s two Decimators for you!

Trident Shotgun: Two Cannons and one F300 will make you smile when used properly. It is the ultimate counter to big-hitbox snipers out there, though it has limited use on open maps. Yes, you can run around circles with it!

On closed maps though, you’ll need to check your positioning and be aware of this thing when you are against this setup. It will slice you down before you know it.

Killer Atlas: A reminder of the days of Mech Battle when Atlas was king, its G5000s and 2 Plasmas ensure that no one can beat it – not even the Trident Shotgun can go against it without help. It is used for clearing people and light setups such as the Zephyr Knockout.

Mech Battle for All: Possible Through Chests:

Yes, you can get these without using a single point of Platinum!

Zephyr Knockout: Ah yes, the ol’ good classic. With its four Q200s that deal a ton of splash and direct damage upon hitting someone’s hitbox (yes, blocking yourself near a mech doesn’t help you), the Zephyr is responsible for one-shot knockouts and multiple one-hit kills ever since the beginning of this game.

If you see this piloted by someone good in close-quarters, then you should have good luck dealing with it. Alternatively, just run away from it!

You can buy the Q200 from the store with lithium, while you can get the Zephyr from the Gold Trade (that’s 50 energy cells each per chance for a 5% probability – you might get anywhere between 1-4 Zephyrs after 15-20 tries; that makes up for 750-1000 energy cells).

This setup is gold – it never goes away…

Zephyr Disco: Auto-lock and good damage turns this setup into a good distraction. Works well on good teams.

You can buy the Q200 from the store with lithium, while you can get the Zephyr from the Gold Trade (that’s 50 energy cells each per chance for a 5% probability – you might get anywhere between 1-4 Zephyrs after 15-20 tries; that makes up for 750-1000 energy cells).

Fun tip: This used to be the cancer build of early Mech Battle!

Mech Battle for All: Non-Platinum:

These only cost lithium!

These are meant to be stopgap measures while you are getting your hangar to the above setups. These are still effective in most scenarios and many people use them!

Independence Sniper: (2 WB2000s plus 1 MR500) While it is true that it won’t be able to withstand an Atlas due to its low HP, its broad utility ensures that it is useful in many situations.

Valkyrie Sniper: The classic one, with 3 WB2000s. Its decent HP and its constant hitbox change thanks to its jumps ensure that this one is hard to kill, especially when placed at the back of the field. It is good when you don’t have a Chronos yet.

Valkyrie Persuader: The wacky one, with 3 Persuaders. Say goodbye to enemy light bots. Say hi to Jumping Jack!

Inferno Rockets (Q200+Q3500+Persuader): If you don’t have a space for the Valkyrie, try this one. It’s really annoying, especially in maps that have lots of cover. Not to mention lots of damage your way!

Trident Sniper: This serves as good practice if you want to be accustomed with the Trident and get ready for the Trident shotgun build. Works well on good teams and on solo scenarios where the other guy doesn’t know how to deal with it!

Trident Rocket (Q200+Q3500): This also serves as good training for the Trident shotgun. The way it works on the field makes this setup into a good distraction. Yes, this is a pest.

Have you picked the one for you?

Hoping that Mech Battle for All proves to be useful. Thanks for reading!

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