April 24, 2024
is MyHordes Free-To-Play
Is MyHordes free-to-play? What are the features that you can access as a free-to-play (F2P) player of MyHordes? Come and read it all here!

You might be asking the question: “Is MyHordes Free-to-Play?”

To give the short answer: HELL YES IN HELL!

However, we won’t have a piece if we finish it that way, right?

The long answer is as follows:

MyHordes is a free-to-play, no-microtransaction, no-DLC game by Eternal Twin. It is a fan project for the Die2Nite family of games by French publisher Motion Twin.

There’s no need to pay even a single cent to get the full MyHordes experience (including classes, perks, and all other balance/quality of life features); all you need to do is to show up and play along with 39 other acquaintances/friends/family members/significant others/strangers in an apocalyptic town in the middle of the desert!

Unlike in many online browser, mobile, and PC games where you have to pay a bit more and sell your soul just a little bit higher just to get maximum utility, advantages, and enjoyment from them, MyHordes gives it all at once in one single package: the good, the bad, and the ugly. From an extremely active community to hands-on developers and staff; from annoying trolls to disruptive griefers, the game has them in droves!

Also, unlike in many other games where you have to deal with casino/roulette/gacha mechanics to get the best characters and skills within the game, the game allows you to select from a pool of seven classes: Scavenger, Scout, Guardian, Technician, Tamer, Survivalist, and the lovely Citizen. What’s more, if you participate in a democratic process (or rig the votes yourself), you get to become Dictator of the Town (by being its Guide) or the whacko charlatan of the server (by being its Shaman)! They both also bring more powers too…

Finally, going back to your soul (along with all the distinctions, achievements, and special gifts and goodies that you get), it’s all yours to keep – and you don’t even have to sell it (or any part of it) to anyone. While it is said that your soul is just as good as your game’s lifespan, then here’s a fun fact for you: You would remain alive as long as there is someone on this planet who supports this game (and is willing to put the hours on it) – even if Eternal Twin’s servers close down someday for whatever reason! No, this is not just advertisement copy, this is a real thing – as many of today’s players have transferred their profiles (i.e., their souls and game history) from the old, venerable Die2Nite to today’s resurrected hell that is MyHordes!

There you have it, hopefully this short piece answers the question “Is MyHordes Free-to-Play?”

Are you still looking for a reason to play MyHordes? Look no further and find it in this piece!

Did you find your own reason why should you play MyHordes? Are you ready to join Hell?

If you’re ready, join the game through this link! Alternatively, you can also join the English Discord server and hang out with the beautiful and handsome folks of the game!

Please follow the Facebook and YouTube handles here – stay safe and healthy!

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