April 27, 2024
Here are my thoughts on reaching Champions League! Time to play the UEFA theme song!

Finally, after 1.5 years of playing War Robots in a very casual manner (I only play for 20-25 hours a month on average), I reach Champions League!

In my journey, I saw everything that War Robots can offer. From overpowered teammates to stacked bullies of clans (all thanks to Pixonic’s wonderful and ‘totally fair’ matchmaker), as well as tankers, cheaters, faders and whatnot, this journey was one hell of a ride.

Right now, I dropped back to Master League because of my focus on completing the Lunar Event as well as facing stacked clan squads four times already (yes, this terrible matchmaking process is War Robots’s worst weakness – if other mech games would be able to capitalize on this, many will soon transfer out of WR).

Other than that, I met friends and people whom I could not have met under different circumstances. Thus, for me, War Robots also serves as a small social function where I could meet people, exchange ideas and share our love for games.

Reaching Champions League is not easy. It takes a lot of luck, as well as a decent amount of skill and equipment in order to reach the 5000-rating mark. From there, it’s an unforgiving place where one has to face the top 20,000 players of the game every single day, as well as an arms race where one has to get enough tools to carry on the fight at the highest levels of the game.

Awful hangar.

In addition, one has to deal with Pixonic’s awful matchmaking, and as such, expect 20-30 percent of games to be lost at the starting mark of things, regardless of the map. One does not expect to fight against the “best” players in the world with nothing but sticks, stones and harsh language – this travesty is on a level unseen in other video games and mobile mech games that I’ve played in my life.

Hellburner rush…

But then, it is still a great experience. To be able to finally reach the top ~0.0004 percent (is the 50 million download metic for real though…) of players in the world and to be a part of an exclusive “20,000” player class is still an achievement that makes me happy.

On top of that, I didn’t have to spend a single cent or to grind for 20 hours a week to reach here.

I guess I am happy regarding this thing, so yeah.

Let’s see if this is enough to keep me in the game.

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